Notre blog a pour but à fournir les toutes dernières plus grandes nouvelles et conseils de l'industrie hôtelière aux propritaires d'hôtels et d'hébergements. Nous nous rendons compte qu'il faut plus que de logiciel pour réussir dans ce marché. Tous les propriétaires d'hébergement doivent comprendre et interpréter l'orientation du marché afin d'accroître l'efficacité et de répondre de façon efficace aux besoins des clients.

New for January 2019

We are continuously working hard to improve our channel connections and this month a number of enhancements have been made …

Sell More Rooms with Better Hotel Photography

One thing all hoteliers share in common, whether they own a B&B, hotel, campsite or even a hostel is that …

New for December 2018

In all new bookings from Booking.com you will find in the comments field for each newly reserved unit the Booking.com …

New for November 2018

You thought we couldn’t get any better, but guess what – we just did! There were many system updates completed …

How to Choose a Payment Solution for Your Hospitality Business

There are so many choices on the market you may wonder how it’s possible to pick one payment gateway over …

How to Choose the Right Channel Manager for Your Business

Previously we looked at a number of features that any hotelier would find invaluable in a cutting edge Property Management …

Sirvoy Security Update

What is it? Sirvoy has undergone a major security overhaul this month which promises better auditing of logins and a …

PART II – How to Choose A Hotel Property Management System in 2018

In our last article we listed some top tips for hoteliers looking for a Property Management System (PMS). Now we’re …

What is GDPR and how will it Affect Hoteliers?

The GDPR (general data protection regulation) is new legislation that aims to give citizens more control over their personal data. …

How to Choose a Hotel Property Management System (PMS) in 2018

Which one are you? It seems that there are two kinds of hotelier out there. One who regularly tosses around …