How to Become an Airbnb Superhost

27 mai 2019 à 09:12 UTC+2

As of today, Airbnb has over four million listings, so it’s probably fair to say that some properties won’t end up among the ‘most booked Airbnb’s of all time’. Some won’t even get a single booking and that’s something we definitely don’t want to happen to you! If you’ve found yourself buried at the bottom of all those Airbnb listings we’ve got some simple steps to help you begin your rise to the top.

Tackling the Big Questions
Will I ever get booked? How do I go about getting my first booking? What if no one likes my property? These are all questions that could run through your mind but you needn’t fear because we’re here to help!
The Airbnb market is tough, and it’s hard to get started since almost everyone is looking at reviews, ratings, and past experiences from other guests. But there are some things you can do to help you to stand out from the crowd.

Your listing
First of all, what is a listing? The Airbnb listing is basically where you write down all the information about your property. Some examples could be where your property is located, what amenities you offer and what space your guests can use. Will they be staying in common areas in your own home, just a spare room, or are you renting out a completely separate property?
When completing your listing it is really important that you fill it in completely. Don’t leave out the details that seem unimportant. Those details could be small things such as whether you provide a first aid kit or a fire extinguisher.

Remember to update it frequently; perhaps you forgot to include something first time around or you introduced new appliances or facilities that you can add to your description. The more information, the better. The best thing about this approach is that your guests will be fully aware of what you do and don’t offer before they arrive and won’t be able to complain publicly later using their online review.
Don’t forget to pay plenty of attention to your photographs. Take lots of nice, bright and informative pictures – they will give potential guests a great and lasting impression that will linger with them after they’ve moved on to look at other accommodation. Read more about that in our previous blog interview.

How much should you charge?
Airbnb is very clear that the prices you set for your accommodation are completely your decision. There is no right or wrong amount. However remember that if you are new, with no reviews or ratings guests probably won’t take a chance on you if your charges are very high.
Some people make the mistake of charging too much early on because they think it’s a quicker way to earn money. However growing your business at a slow yet steady pace is going to yield more long term gain.

Setting your prices just below average will likely gain you more custom to start with and once you have collected a number of great reviews you can always think about increasing your prices. Airbnb recommends looking at how much other hosts charge in your area as a guide to pricing.

Replying to Your Guests
On your listing, guests have the option to ’contact host’ and send a direct message with their questions. If they are waiting on your reply before they confirm their booking, the chances are that your response time is minimal. If they don’t hear back quickly, they’re probably going to look elsewhere.

If they have a question you can’t answer right away, at least let them know that you’ve seen their query and that you will get back with the information as soon as possible. The prompt response will reassure them that you are a reliable host and increases your chances that they will book with you later.

Your home
The aim should be to make your guests feel as welcome as possible, to create a home away from home and here are a few tips to help you do it.

Invest in things that will make your guest love you for your brilliant hosting. It could for example, be some snacks and drinks in the fridge. Try putting yourself in your guests shoes. If your constant bug bear is arriving at accommodation that doesn’t offer hair conditioner make it the first thing you include in the bathroom! Remember this may be the first occasion your guests are visiting the area so an information sheet is always a good idea. Include things like the location of the closest shop, the wifi password and great restaurants. Plan and prepare for your guest to write good reviews about their stay.

Invest in things that will make your guest love you for your brilliant hosting

As already mentioned in the ’Your listing’ section about images, it’s recommended to include as many pictures of your property as you can. It will give your guest an accurate picture of what they can expect and hopefully that will mean no nasty surprises for them on arrival.

If you are a Sirvoy user and you currently run a B&B or want to rent out your property you can connect with Airbnb. Just sign up with Sirvoy PRO to get connected with Airbnb and many more channels. As always If you have any questions please feel free to contact our 24/7 support team for more information.