New for March 2019

15 avril 2019 à 18:43 UTC+2

Our aim here at Sirvoy is to maximise the benefits that you enjoy from using our software, whether that means developing brilliant new features or improving those that already exist. March was no different to any other month, and here are some of the important developments we made, many of them thanks to your invaluable input!

For Channels and Booking Engine

  • The percentage price adjustments that are available on each channel’s mapping page in Sirvoy have been developed so that the same setup of percentages is available for all channels. This greatly simplifies the handling of price settings toward channels.
  • Improved monitoring tools for the channel connections now help us detect issues such as failing updates or missing bookings even quicker, so that we can promptly care for this, informing you of an issue on the channel’s end or fixing any potential issues at our end.
  • A review button has been added for the connection, so that you no longer have to login to your channel extranet to see reviews from your guests, but can keep track of these directly from within Sirvoy.
  • Further improvements now mean that when there is nothing to be paid for in a booking the payment step is skipped at the end of the booking process, even if the setting is mandatory. This is useful when using promotion codes that are linked to 100% discounts.

For invoicing

  • Invoices are now supported in all the languages that the booking engine is supported in – we have also added support in the invoices for a range of Asian fonts that were previously missing.
  • You can now select a language when creating invoices, and this selection will be saved with the invoice. It will default to the booking’s preferred language to make it easy for your customers. If you want to change the default it can be done here: Settings -> Payments & invoicing -> Invoicing module -> Default invoice language*
  • Texts from room descriptions and extras will now also properly follow the language selected at invoice creation. They are copied to the invoice to make sure the invoice isn’t affected by changes made after the invoice has been created.
  • Better summary and totals have been made to the invoices. We have included totals including and excluding VAT, and listed each VAT rate on a separate row to make it easier to process the invoices through scanning software.

*Please note that changing this invoice language is still possible until the end of this month, but it will be removed after 2019-04-30. Instead, set the correct language when creating the invoice.